Building a bridge is not as easy as it may appear. It is easy to take for granted the engineering and design that goes into a bridge when viewing the finished product. While construction materials and equipment has advanced and changed the speed at which bridges can be built, the basic methods of bridge design have remained virtually unchanged. To create a bridge that is both structurally sound and effective; designers use BATS.
BATS is an acronym for; beams, arches, trusses and suspensions. Using a combination of these four building technologies, designers can create various types of bridges. Whether a suspension bridge like the famous Golden Gate Bridge or a truss bridge like the Braga Bridge, one or more BATS were used in the design and construction. There are basically four types of bridges; suspension, arch, truss and beam. The difference in the types of bridges used for a certain terrain or area is based on the distance the bridge can cover between its supports. Designing the appropriate bridge for a specific terrain will depend on what type of bridge works best for conditions and, of course, the cost and budget. Click here for more.
BATS is an acronym for; beams, arches, trusses and suspensions. Using a combination of these four building technologies, designers can create various types of bridges. Whether a suspension bridge like the famous Golden Gate Bridge or a truss bridge like the Braga Bridge, one or more BATS were used in the design and construction. There are basically four types of bridges; suspension, arch, truss and beam. The difference in the types of bridges used for a certain terrain or area is based on the distance the bridge can cover between its supports. Designing the appropriate bridge for a specific terrain will depend on what type of bridge works best for conditions and, of course, the cost and budget. Click here for more.