Puppy chewing can be a problem, but it is only a problem if you do not give your dog an alternative. There are many ways to prevent your furry friend from chewing up the things that matter to you. This article will advise you on alternative methods to help curb your puppy's chewing.
If your crate training your new dog or puppy make sure that they understand the crate is their own personal space. Never use the crate as a punishment otherwise they will start to look at it as a bad place and will try to start resisting going inside of it.
Learn to understand what your dog is saying through facial expression. Many people fail to see that a dog says even though his he communicates non-verbally with his face, just as we do. When you are training your dog, take some time to see how he responds to commands, rewards and your behavior. Watching his facial expressions will be useful as training progresses and give you a better understanding of your dog.
As you train your dog, it is important to remember that everything you do with your pet is an opportunity for them to learn. Without realizing it, you may be rewarding undesirable behaviors throughout the day. Keep in mind that whether you are actively training or not, your actions are still having a large impact on your dog's behavior.
Do not respond to demands for attention from your dog. Training a dog to be docile and controlled, means that you control when attention is given. In the pack, Alphas will ignore these behaviors until the dog is calm and relaxed. Then and only then, should you build excitement through play with the animal.
It is dangerous to put more than one dog together in a close space. It is just too easy for dogs in such a situation to tangle their leads together, and this can lead to serious injuries for both of them. If dogs get tangled up too severely, one can get wrapped up so badly it could close off the airway, and he could die.
Throwing out your dog's food bowl can assist you with your training program. Studies have shown that animals respond well to working for their meals. Incorporate food as a reward in your training and also, use it for entertainment purposes. You can do this by putting the food in a toy or a puzzle.
Some training techniques advise that you give your dog a treat as a reward for good performance. This is a great method, but be sure you're not giving your dog a treat every time they perform the task. If you do, they come to expect the treat each time and when you stop with the treats, the obedience stops as well. Instead give the dog a treat randomly so that they don't begin to expect when they get a treat.
The key to successful dog training is to start them as soon as possible. No matter how old your dog may be it is never too late to get them started. While it may take a little longer, you can still achieve a great deal of success. You can start training most puppies after they are about 6 weeks old. This is the perfect time to get the ground rules setup for a calmer more obedient dog.
Any dog you adopt should go through at least a basic obedience class with a professional. The skills you can learn from a professional course will more than outweigh the cost of the course. Also, a course gives you and your dog a chance to socialize with other dogs and their owners.
Be consistent when training your dog. Your furry buddy will be easily confused when you vary your routine too much. Always give the same encouragement for a job well done. Use the same phrases to help your dog recognize what words are for what actions. Always say 'good dog' and don't vary the tone.
To make your dog understand what you are expecting from it, you should reward it when it behaves well. Pet it when it obeys you, and use a soothing voice. You can even feed your dog a treat if it did something remarkably well. Make sure your dog understands why you are pleased.
To prevent your dog from chewing, you should apply a smelly substance on objects that your dog is not supposed to chew. Buy some chew toys for your dog: some dogs chew because they are going through teething, and some use chewing as a way of releasing stress caused by loneliness.
To teach your dog how to walk on a leash, you should start by getting your dog used to the leash at a young age. Walk around your yard or garden with your dog on a leash at first. Reward your dog if it does not tug on the leash. Use a command such as 'come' and tug on the leash at the same time. Your dog should quickly understand that you wish it to follow you.
When training a dog that is not housebroken it is important to limit the dogs time to roam around the house. By keeping the dog always by the owner it reduces the time it has to go to the bathroom in the house. The dog will not want to go by the owner and must hold it until let outside.
As you progress in training your dog, only give rewards for obedience the first time you give a command such as "come" or "sit". The dog will quickly learn that it is better to get the reward by obeying the first command than having you repeat it and not give the reward. Do praise the dog when it finally obeys, but save the treats for quick obedience.
As was discussed in the beginning of this article, puppy chewing is a problem only if you do not give him something else to focus on. Apply the advice from this article on the proper way to train your puppy not to chew up your home, and soon you will see your dog finding non-destructive ways to occupy his or her time.
If your crate training your new dog or puppy make sure that they understand the crate is their own personal space. Never use the crate as a punishment otherwise they will start to look at it as a bad place and will try to start resisting going inside of it.
Learn to understand what your dog is saying through facial expression. Many people fail to see that a dog says even though his he communicates non-verbally with his face, just as we do. When you are training your dog, take some time to see how he responds to commands, rewards and your behavior. Watching his facial expressions will be useful as training progresses and give you a better understanding of your dog.
As you train your dog, it is important to remember that everything you do with your pet is an opportunity for them to learn. Without realizing it, you may be rewarding undesirable behaviors throughout the day. Keep in mind that whether you are actively training or not, your actions are still having a large impact on your dog's behavior.
Do not respond to demands for attention from your dog. Training a dog to be docile and controlled, means that you control when attention is given. In the pack, Alphas will ignore these behaviors until the dog is calm and relaxed. Then and only then, should you build excitement through play with the animal.
It is dangerous to put more than one dog together in a close space. It is just too easy for dogs in such a situation to tangle their leads together, and this can lead to serious injuries for both of them. If dogs get tangled up too severely, one can get wrapped up so badly it could close off the airway, and he could die.
Throwing out your dog's food bowl can assist you with your training program. Studies have shown that animals respond well to working for their meals. Incorporate food as a reward in your training and also, use it for entertainment purposes. You can do this by putting the food in a toy or a puzzle.
Some training techniques advise that you give your dog a treat as a reward for good performance. This is a great method, but be sure you're not giving your dog a treat every time they perform the task. If you do, they come to expect the treat each time and when you stop with the treats, the obedience stops as well. Instead give the dog a treat randomly so that they don't begin to expect when they get a treat.
The key to successful dog training is to start them as soon as possible. No matter how old your dog may be it is never too late to get them started. While it may take a little longer, you can still achieve a great deal of success. You can start training most puppies after they are about 6 weeks old. This is the perfect time to get the ground rules setup for a calmer more obedient dog.
Any dog you adopt should go through at least a basic obedience class with a professional. The skills you can learn from a professional course will more than outweigh the cost of the course. Also, a course gives you and your dog a chance to socialize with other dogs and their owners.
Be consistent when training your dog. Your furry buddy will be easily confused when you vary your routine too much. Always give the same encouragement for a job well done. Use the same phrases to help your dog recognize what words are for what actions. Always say 'good dog' and don't vary the tone.
To make your dog understand what you are expecting from it, you should reward it when it behaves well. Pet it when it obeys you, and use a soothing voice. You can even feed your dog a treat if it did something remarkably well. Make sure your dog understands why you are pleased.
To prevent your dog from chewing, you should apply a smelly substance on objects that your dog is not supposed to chew. Buy some chew toys for your dog: some dogs chew because they are going through teething, and some use chewing as a way of releasing stress caused by loneliness.
To teach your dog how to walk on a leash, you should start by getting your dog used to the leash at a young age. Walk around your yard or garden with your dog on a leash at first. Reward your dog if it does not tug on the leash. Use a command such as 'come' and tug on the leash at the same time. Your dog should quickly understand that you wish it to follow you.
When training a dog that is not housebroken it is important to limit the dogs time to roam around the house. By keeping the dog always by the owner it reduces the time it has to go to the bathroom in the house. The dog will not want to go by the owner and must hold it until let outside.
As you progress in training your dog, only give rewards for obedience the first time you give a command such as "come" or "sit". The dog will quickly learn that it is better to get the reward by obeying the first command than having you repeat it and not give the reward. Do praise the dog when it finally obeys, but save the treats for quick obedience.
As was discussed in the beginning of this article, puppy chewing is a problem only if you do not give him something else to focus on. Apply the advice from this article on the proper way to train your puppy not to chew up your home, and soon you will see your dog finding non-destructive ways to occupy his or her time.